martes, 25 de octubre de 2016

Post four

Hello everyone!

The theme of today's post is: My future job.

As a 28 year old teacher, working at the university of Chile, it would be easy for me to say that I am working in my ideal job. But I don't want to be an employee all my life, so i'll be really honest with you guys, I'll tell you all about my dream future job.


I'll start my own company, actually my on nursery for cactus, and I'll auction some of them to earn money. My idea is to retire from being a teacher when I'm more or less 30. That means I have only 2 years to move forward with my plans.
I've been working for this project for a long time now, I actually started it withut knowing it. First at a very small scale, I still lived with my parents and I was already studying to be an english teacher, that's when I first got interested in cacti, and there I started growing them from seeds and learning different cultivation techniques.

Nowadays I'm at a stage of the project in which I need to get a big greenhouse to start growing plants for the future, so I really need a place of my own. That's why I'm hoping to buy the place where I currently live, because that would make things go faster as I could start growing more and better plants, at a larger scale, and not worrying about where I'll go if my landlord asks me to leave his property. 

This season of spring - summer is when most of the cactus I grow start flowering, that opens officially the 'bee work season' for me. That's right! that's the time when I cross pollinate my plants to obtain hybrid seeds for propagation.


I feel happy thinking that I could live with a sense of independance by working with my own hands, and in a line of work that I love, so it feels like a passtime activity So I encourage you to follow whatever you feel your dreams are :).

That's me!

Now it's your turn!

These questions could help you develop your writing: 

- What kind of job would you like to have? How do you imagine it?
- Outdoors /indoors?
- Would you like to travel a lot in your job?
- What about the salary?
- Add any other related ideas.

- Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts + a comment on my post.

- Minimum Word Count: 210 words
- Remember: NO TRANSLATOR! web dictionaries are allowed, and of course you can call me and I'll go to your seat.

martes, 18 de octubre de 2016

Post three

Movie/restaurant review.

Hello dear students!

It's time for our first chosen topic, so for this blog session you'll have the opportunity to chose between writing a review about a restaurant you like, or about a movie you recommend.

Here's my post:

Hocha Restaurant.

I've been a vegetarian for almost 5 years now, and I've visited many veggie restaurants in different cities of Chile, but today I'll tell you about one located in Santiago. Actually, not far away from Fau.

Its name is Hocha and it's located near Patronato metro station. It specializes in typical food from Taiwan. It has both vegetarian and not vegetarian options, so even if you still eat meat you will probably enjoy its menu.
When I went there, I had some very exotic mushrooms and a delicious rice prepared with tasty condiments, and the best part was that it was quite inexpensive. I was  thirsty so I ordered an iced tea, and... let me tell you, you have to try them! They're very refreshing and they have a huge variety of flavors!

Resultado de imagen para hocha veg

Here's their website, in case you're interested ;)

Please leave a comment on my post!
And don't forget to comment on at least 3 of your classmates' posts.
Minimum word count 180.

miércoles, 12 de octubre de 2016

Post Two

The best Holidays/Concert ever 

Choose only one of the topics above and mention:

- when it was
- where you went
- how long it was
- people you went with
- things/activities you did
- why it has been the best so far
- any other relevant info



- when / where it was
- the artist you saw
- a bit of info about the artist
- describe the atmosphere during the event
- describe how they felt and why you enjoyed it
- any other memories about it

My choice for this post will be my best vacation, so here it goes!
As all of you know, I'm kind of a weird cactus grower/fan, so I'll tell you about my lastest trip, to the Atacama desert during this year's summer. 

It all began when I left my house in Curacaví to join my friend, and driver in our adventure, at his house in Olmué, fifth Region. That day we prepared everything to start early the next morning, we had a long way coming. We started the day early, at 7, and then we went out heading north to El Cobre, Antofagasta (2nd) Region. The idea was to go there and start coming back south, stopping in locations to find, photograph and try to discover seeds of Chilean native cacti. For that purpose we had the knowledge of my friend, who's been travelling to the dessert for at least 5 years now, and the help of this book, which contains pictures and descriptions of several species :)

We were true adventurers, walking for hours to find plants, climbing hills and small mountains ranges. On a normal day, we would wake up at 9 approx. And then have breakfast to start the day exploring the camping site we had chosen the night before. After that we would find a new site, and track the land to find more species. It would all finish when the sun was coming down, as we needed to find a good camping spot, and use sunlight to set the tents. 

It may sound boring for some, but this was one of the best experiences I've had, I learned and enjoyed every moment of it :) Here you have some pictures of the trip!

>>Worcount: 170
>>Leave comments on 3 of your classmates posts + comments on my post.

miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2016

Post One


Welcome to the first blogsession for this semester. 
Today's topic will be: "A country I'd like to visit".
To fulfill this task you must develop a 160 word post (as a minimum), and some of the things you can mention are:

- Which country would you like to go to? Why? - What do you know about it? - What would you like to do there? - Would you like to study/work/live there? Explain. - Upload at least 2 pictures - *IMPORTANT* Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts + a comment on my post.

As a guide, here's my version of the post:

A country I'd like to visit is Thailand:

Resultado de imagen para thailand landscapes

I'd love to visit this country located in Asia, neighbour to the countries of Vietnam, Myanmar and Laos. Eventhough I'm not an expert in weather, I'm aware of the hot temperatures they have in Thailand, and also I have friended many thai people on my facebook so I know they're great cactus cultivators. 
My main reason to visit this country would be to visit these people I've mentioned, they've been my friends for a long time now and we've exchanged experience, plants and seeds. The visit would probably become a tour through different cities along the country stopping by the houses of the friends available at the time, exchanging presents and stories about these wonderful plants.

 I think a video can tell you more than pictures in this particular case, so here it goes! I hope this video helps you to imagine what I'm talking about.

I hope you enjoy this activity, let me know your thoughts in the comments!
